Post Assignment Feedback: Fall 2012_CS504_1

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Post Assignment Feedback: Fall 2012_CS504_1

            Post assignment feedback consists of detailed explanation of the common problems faced by students while preparing the assignment solution. This will help students in better understanding the solution of the assignment.

Assignment No.{1}
Software Engineering  (CS504)
Marks: 20
Due Date: 07/11/2012

Assignment Solution: Uploaded in lms.

Common Mistakes & Explanation:

Mistake 1:  Business requirement was written as either a paragraph or numbered list of requirements.
Explanation: Business requirement is written in form of a single statement which is actually vision of project.
Mistake 2:  Rather than listing the functional requirements, majority of the students pasted scenario description from assignment file.
Explanation: Functional requirements are system’s functionalities which perform tasks to enable users to accomplish their tasks. For details about functional requirements, view uploaded solution file.
Mistake 3:  Non-functional requirements were written as user requirements.
Explanation: User requirements are tasks that user must be able to achieve while using the system. Where non functional requirements are quality attributes or constraints. These include external system interfaces constraints, design and implementation constraints, regulations, standards, and contracts to which the product must conform and quality and performance attributes.
 Mistake 4:  Functional requirements and non-functional requirements were mixed.
Explanation: Functional requirements are system’s functionalities which perform tasks to enable users to accomplish their tasks. Where non functional requirements are quality attributes or constraints. Be careful while writing requirements and always follow the definition taught.
Purpose of Assignment 1: Purpose of assignment 1 was enabling students to understand project scope and identifying system’s stakeholders’ requirements. Identification of quality attributes of system was another objective of the assignment.

Instructor Comments: Software Engineering is not only a subject but a core methodology of developing software in industry. CS504 assignments will not only allow you to do final year project but a rehearsal for industry job. Overall result of assignment 1 shows that effort made by instructor did not go fruitless.

Overall Result of Assignment 1:

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