Graded MDB !!!!
Opening date is 06-02-13 and closing date is 07-02-13
Opening date is 06-02-13 and closing date is 07-02-13
The topic of discussion is “How does the graph theory play very significant role in the field of computer sciences. Discuss at least three applications of graph theory in the field of computer sciences?”
Follow the instructions (given below).
1) Your comments should be clear and to the point. Irrelevant comments will be graded zero marks.
2) Your discussion should be short and related to topic.
3) You cannot participate in the discussion more than once.
4) Obnoxious or ignoble comments must be strictly avoided.
5) Copied comments will be graded zero marks.
5) Your discussion must be based on logical facts.
6) Date of discussion will not be extended in any case and we will not accept any comment from any one after the discussion's due date or through e-mail.
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