CS506 Assignment 02 Solution 3 Shared by PariFozu

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Pehle create kren project
Creating a Project

Because all Java development in the IDE takes place within projects, we first need to create a new ContactEditor project within which to store sources and other project files. An IDE project is a group of Java source files plus its associated meta data, including project-specific properties files, an Ant build script that controls the build and run settings, and a project.xml file that maps Ant targets to IDE commands. While Java applications often consist of several IDE projects, for the purposes of this tutorial, we will build a simple application which is stored entirely in a single project.
To create a new ContactEditor application project:
Choose File > New Project. Alternately, you can click the New Project icon in the IDE toolbar.
In the Categories pane, select the Java node and in the Projects pane, choose Java Application. Click Next.
Enter ContactEditor in the Project Name field and specify the project location.
Leave the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox unselected.
Ensure that the Set as Main Project checkbox is selected and clear the Create Main Class field.
Click Finish.

The IDE creates the ContactEditor folder on your system in the designated location. This folder contains all of the project's associated files, including its Ant script, folders for storing sources and tests, and a folder for project-specific metadata. To view the project structure, use the IDE's Files window.
ub create kren JFrame

Creating a JFrame Container

After creating the new application, you may have noticed that the Source Packages folder in the Projects window contains an empty <default package> node. To proceed with building our interface, we need to create a Java container within which we will place the other required GUI components. In this step we'll create a container using the JFrame component and place the container in a new package.
To add a JFrame container:
In the Projects window, right-click the ContactEditor node and choose New > JFrame Form.
Alternatively, you can find a JFrame form by choosing New > Other > Swing GUI Forms > JFrame Form.
Enter ContactEditorUI as the Class Name.
Enter my.contacteditor as the package.
Click Finish.

The IDE creates the ContactEditorUI form and the ContactEditorUI class within the ContactEditorUI.java application and opens the ContactEditorUI form in the GUI Builder. Notice that the my.contacteditor package replaces the default package. 
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