CS401 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (www.vusolutions.com)

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CS401 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (www.vusolutions.com)

Question No: ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The first instruction of "COM" file must be at offset:
► 0x0010
► 0x0100
► 0x1000
► 0x0000

Question No: ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In a video memory, each screen location corresponds to 
► One byte
► Two bytes
► Four bytes
► Eight bytes

Question No: ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The execution of the instruction "mov word [ES : 0], 0x0741" will print character "A" on screen , background color of the screen will be
► Black
► White
► Red
► Blue

Question No: ( M a r k s: 1 ) 
The physical address of the stack is obtained by

► SS:SI combination
► SS:SP combination
► ES:BP combination
► ES:SP combination

Question No: ( M a r k s: 1 ) 
After the execution of POP instruction
► SP is incremented by 2
► SP is decremented by 2
► SP is incremented by 1
► SP is decremented by 1

Question No: ( M a r k s: 1 ) 
Which mathematical operation is dominant during the execution of SCAS instruction
► Division
► Multiplication
► Addition
► Subtraction

Question No: ( M a r k s: 1 ) 
The iAPX888 architecture consists of _______ register.
o 12
o 14
o 16
o 18

Question No: 
MOV instruction transfers a byte or word from which of the following source location.

Question No: 
The execution of the instruction "mov word [ES: 0], 0x0741" will print "A" on the screen, color of the character will be
o Black 
o White
o Red
o Blue

Question No: 
One screen location corresponds to a
Double byte
Double word

Question No: 
When an item is pushed on the decrementing stack, the top of the stack is
First decremented and then element copied on to the stack
First incremented and then element copied on to the stack
Decremented after the element copied on to the stack
Incremented after the element copied on to the stack

Question No: 
Each screen location corresponds to a word, the lower byte of this word contains ____
The character code
The attribute byte
The parameters
The dimensions

Question No: 
In a video memory, each screen location corresponds to 
One byte
Two bytes
Four bytes
Eight bytes

Question No: 
Foreground and background parameter will be 

Q1:- what is pop instruction 3 marks 
Q2:- number algorithm code 5 marks
Q3:- which situation we use ADD instruction carry 5 marks
Q4:- how video device viewed by processor 3 marks
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