HRM624 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

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HRM624 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

total 22 questions 
n 5 descriptivv
low level of trust n mistrust
misunderstanding to reality n emotions
one situation justify krna tha
merits of high level of trust
position bargaining

Another Paper:

In an organization, Mr. Ali kept a record of all activities done by Mr. Bilal and at the end of 6 months he raised an official objection against him with his supervisor. Supervisor knows their prior conflicts and is trying to resolve them, but finding Mr. Ali's attitude a hazard in resolving this conflict. 

Identify the type of hurdle in resolving the conflict and in your opinion how the supervisor should resolve this conflict? (5 Marks)

If you are a disputant then, how can you analyze the other disputant's interest in an interpersonal conflict? (5 Marks)

What are the basic components that should be keept in mind in the business relationships? (3 Marks)

"Conflict resolution poses the most pain and the least gain". Evaluate this statement. (3 Marks)

Describe the differences between 'Deficiency needs' and 'Self-actualization needs' with an example. (3 marks)
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