Q1:Let RR → be defined by 5marks

Is f one-to-one ?
Q2: Suppose that 200 faculty members can speak French (F) and 50 speak Russian (R).
using inclusive- exclusive (incomplete)
Q3: Find the gcd of 1075,45 using dividing algorithm. 5marks
Q 4. Compute
for x=-2.01 3 marks
Q 5: Find the greatest common division for the following pair of integer: 30,105 2marks
Q 6: Find the Spanning tree for the graph K1, 5 ? 2marks
Q 7 Determine which f is a function?

Q 8. What is the difference between
{a,b} and {{a,b}}?
Q 9. How many 3-digits can be formed by using each one of the digits 2,3,5,7,9 only once?
Q10 What is the smallest integer N such that [N/9]=6?
Q11. One example is giving in Lec#41 page No.268 topic Transpose
Mostly objective has been taking from old papers and following topics.

Is f one-to-one ?
Q2: Suppose that 200 faculty members can speak French (F) and 50 speak Russian (R).
using inclusive- exclusive (incomplete)
Q3: Find the gcd of 1075,45 using dividing algorithm. 5marks
Q 4. Compute

Q 5: Find the greatest common division for the following pair of integer: 30,105 2marks
Q 6: Find the Spanning tree for the graph K1, 5 ? 2marks
Q 7 Determine which f is a function?

Q 8. What is the difference between
{a,b} and {{a,b}}?
Q 9. How many 3-digits can be formed by using each one of the digits 2,3,5,7,9 only once?
Q10 What is the smallest integer N such that [N/9]=6?
Q11. One example is giving in Lec#41 page No.268 topic Transpose
Mostly objective has been taking from old papers and following topics.
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