SOC101 VU Current GDB No. 1 Spring 2012 Solution

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“Culture, or civilization, taken in its broad, ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. It is their pattern of behavior, which has been created by human beings.

Culture includes: Intangible (non-material) items like values, beliefs, norms, language, ideas and ideologies and Tangible things like material objects .

Tangible things or Material objects cannot go ahead in the progress of a society as these are controlled by the in-tangible assets of a society possessed by humans.

Culture is worldwide. There is no society without culture. As part of the cultures there are many features that are found in almost all the societies.
For example the institutions like marriage and family, religion, education, economy, and sports are found all over the world. 

Poverty and development are socially constructed and implanted within certain economic episteme which value some assets over others. By revealing the positioned ness of such interpretations of economy and poverty, approaches look for alternative value systems so that the poor are not disgraced and their sacred and enriching ‘assets’ are acknowledged.
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