STA630 GDB No. 2 solution

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While developing a questionnaire, researcher should avoid certain questions/wording that may create biasness in the responses and affect the findings of research. Questions having such problems must be avoided while developing the questionnaire.

Following are some questions/statements and you are required to identify the type of problem(s) in each question.

Note: Just write the name of problem(s) in each question. No detail or theoretical explanation is required.

1. You have good relations with your boss and colleagues.

o Yes
o No

Double_Barreled Questions

2. Involvement in organizational politics reduces the productivity. Have you ever been involved in organizational politics and community politics?

o Yes
o No

Loaded Questions (M not sure)

3. Don't you think that in these days of high inflation, employees should be given a pay raise?

o Yes
o No

Leading Questions

4.Have you been ever involved in fraudulent activities in the organization?

o Yes
o No
Loaded Questions


q-2 is Loaded question
because in it the researcher make aware of his desired answer

q-3 is loaded question because it is socially desirable to raise pay

Refer: page no 78 
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